Puppies born January 3, 2020— 1 Female stock coat  is available now.   Ready to go home now!

This litter is a “Premium Litter”.  This litter was bred in Germany and Natalie was imported pregnant!

This litter is only possible here in the US.  Both parents are from Germany! Tell is still in Germany!

Natalie With Puppies

Natalie With Puppies


Tell von Ghattas

V Tell von Ghattas, IPO3, H & E normal,KK Beautiful male born in Brazil, shown and breeding in Germany!!  Finished V2 at the 2019 German Sieger Show in Germany!!!


Natalie vom Frankengold

SG Natalie vom Frankengold, IGP 1, H & E normal, KK Natalie (Nati) is a beautiful female, one of the sweetest females I have ever met.  She is a VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland daughter!!!