Puppies born March 9, 2020
Due to go Home May 5, 2020

We have had a cancellation on one of the male short coat puppies!  So we have one available to deposit. See the puppy pictures below.


VA Gayville’s Pepe, IPO 3, “a”

FOR SALE !!  VA Gayville"s Pepe is a 4 Year Old sire owned by Angel Nicanor and is not at Lundborg-Land Kennels. FOR SALE !! Your chance to own a beautiful VA stud dog.  Pepe is a popular stud dog used in the USA.  He was born in England and t [...]


Blanka dell Archeotipo

V Blanka dell Archeotipo, IPO 1, "a" Blanka is 7 years old, spayed and ready to be placed in her forever home.  Blanka is a German Import that was born in Italy and then Imported to USA.    Blanka has "a" normal hips and elbows from Germany an [...]

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