DOB 6/26/2019 These are stunning !!! 1 LONG COAT Female is available, Her name is Kennedy, She is extremely black and red, big boned and extremely outgoing. This puppy was born without a tail. The umbilical cord had cut off oxyen to the ta [...]

Arrex x Shayenne Litter This will be a repeat combination of these parents. Puppies born 10/29/16. They are ready to go home. 1 Female is available. Puppies have had 3 puppy shots and been wormed several times. These are very black and r [...]

5 Males and 4 Females. Deposits are being taken! Puppies born June 9, 2021 Go Home August 4, 2021

This litter will be an active litter and will be good for Obedience, Schutzhund, Agility or a good running companion.

Litter born 12/14/2018. Puppies go home apprx 2/8/2019 6 Females, 4 Males. All have been sold but 1 Female Short Hair Ready to go home!

This is a premium litter!!! Amazing pedigree with amazing bloodlines! Don't miss your chance to own an outstanding multiple VA-ASAP daughter!! One Short Coat female, 4 1/2 months is available to go home now! She is beautiful!

1 Male SH and 1 Female SH left to be deposited. Beautiful puppies are ready to go home 10/19/22!

1 Beautiful 8 week old female available to go home; This darling little girl is fully vaccinated and microchipped. Please call for pictures. She has the best temperament and is VERY friendly. Loving little angel ready for her forever famil [...]

1 Female available in this litter. This little girl is darling. She is jut 3 months old. She is fully vaccinated and microchipped. Ready to go home!

Biene is an amazing, beautiful female . She is sweet and friendly and has been started on her obedience training. She is out of the two German import parents, Karlsson von der Wilden Driezehn and Xantana vom Frankengold. This sweet girl lov [...]

Once in a lifetime opportunity!!! Two of the MALE longhair deposits has cancelled! Litter born November 4th, 2020. Go Home December 30, 2020 This is a Premier Litter.....100% Long Coat Litter.

1 Male is remaining in this litter to be deposited! These boys are getting hefty and will be strong in red and black pigment. Beautiful temperaments on both Sire and Dam. DOB: 9/18/24 ! Go home approximately 11/13/24!