1 Male short hair to deposit Puppies born August 4, 2019 Ready to go home approx September 29, 2019
Rondo x Quinie "C " Litter 1 Male puppy ready now! This puppy is happy and has an outgoing personality. Bringing together the best of Quinie and Rondo.
AN Amazing Litter!!! 1 Male (Short Coat) Ready to go home today! Puppies born 9/21/2019
Puppies born June 3rd and available for pick up July 27th . 1 normal hair female is available
Puppies born 9/3, ready to go home approx 11/05. 2 Females are available for deposit.
This will be a popular litter as these two are some of our clients favorites. Wendy always produces style, grace and fluid movement. Rondo brings that clown character of his to his puppies.
This is also a first time breeding for this pair. Bringing all of the best of their bloodlines together! Puppies expected approx January 29, 2017. Would be ready approx mid-March.
Puppies born 11/25 1 female is available to deposit. Due to go home approx 01/21/20